Digit Recogniser 2.0

A web application which guesses the digit you have drawn using Machine Learning


How to use this application?

1. Draw on the canvas

2. Click on 'Predict' and the model guesses what you have drawn

Note: This application works best only on desktop, sorry

How is different from digit recogniser 1.0?

This model was trained using both MNIST and unseen canvas data. In the ver 1 of the model, we observed that the model was overifitting on MNIST data

Moreover, unlike ver 1.0, this model was trained offline on a local machine and the model was statically called inside the browser session.

Can we improve the model further?

yes, there is an idea to upload the incorrectly labled images on a cloud database and train the model using orchestration tools such as airflow. You can already submit data using the submit button below the drawing canvas.